Saturday, December 22, 2007

Inviting Invitations

THe invitation is the first glimpse of your event that your guests get. It gets them excited and intirgued about attending. This is where the theme and ideation for your event begin. Your guests begin to think about what the party will look like, sounds like, smell like.....
Invitaitons can be as elaborate or as simple as you would like. No matter how small your budget is, there is no excuse for forgetting the importance of that initial oppotrunity to make a statement.
I thought I would share an example:
This was a couples shower, these invites were hand delivered and hung on front doors or garage lamps where the invitee would see them upon arriving home.

The guests got a glimpse of what the party might look like. Below are a few photos of the cocktail party. Note how the color, flowers and shapes echo the original invite.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Miss Details Boutique

Over the years I have collected many books on many subjects. From event design, to small business strategies to fun coffee table books - this is a place that I have compiled a boutique of great books, fun gifts, interesting items and girly beauty secrets. Please feel free to visit it any time. I will be updating it whenever I find a new treasure!
see the books on the side of this pages or click on the title above.